Since I wrote my Stuff Manifesto, I’ve been on a quest: to build a Life of Meaning.

One where all the different elements that make it fit together—where work intertwines with the lessons gained from artistic practices, where healthy relationships are a result of conscious effort, and peace is found through the not-so-simple act of Being.

Inspired by the premise—everything is connected—earlier last year I threw myself into a rebranding rabbit hole that I still haven’t fully crossed, but that I’m finally beginning to make sense of.

After such a long time, I’m happy to finally start sharing about it with you.

How can someone's Brand, Website, and Digital Products connect to their Life's Work?

A Short Story

I am lucky enough to have lived off the Internet since my early 20’s.

Thanks to this, for years I travelled the world on a budget, and have worked remotely for clients way before I first ever heard the term “Digital Nomad”.

By today’s standards, one could say I’m an “Entrepreneur” deep into the “Hustle Culture” lots of kids today seem to be raving about, and other niches humans like to box ourselves into.

But, to be honest with you, only until recently I considered my freelance work as legit business*.* Before, I’d convinced myself that if I used to do this for fun as a teenager, it couldn’t possibly be anything other than a game.

On top of this, I tended to have enough referrals to pay for my lifestyle, and even put savings on the side. Still, I was at the mercy of others promoting my work with their networks and I had no real drive nor strategy for getting out of the comfortable little space I had carved for myself.

This deal was fine for a while. Though income would rise and fall like the tides, I somehow managed to live my best life within these financial constraints.

It wasn’t until I was ready to move forward into the next phase of my life that I questioned whether this setup still served me.

The quick answer? It didn’t.

The Long Answer

I got to a point in which the ups and downs of working without much of a business plan didn’t align with my vision.

No longer in my twenties, having lived abroad for over a decade; recently married, and planning to have a family—it’s easy to see how and why my priorities changed.

This period ensued a massive soul search. The Origin Story of:

  • This newsletter, The Book of Stuff: An evolving space in which I share my most personal insights, poems, photos, projects and all sorts of other digital adventures.
  • The name for my brand, Make Stuff That Matters: Straight to the point and open enough to leave room for expansion. My own tiny little protest against niching down.

Besides doing client work, I also built several free resources for people going trough similar journeys, currently in the process of building more digital products and talking openly about it on my Threads and Instagram accounts.

It’s an incredibly energizing and nerve wrecking stage. There are so many unknowns and possibilities that simply thinking about them can be paralyzing.

But as I’ve learned from my past experiences––when there are no right or wrong answers, the only thing to do is trust and take the next step.

So, to answer the question, how does someone’s brand, website and digital products connect to their Life’s work?

By thinking of each element as a reflection of one’s higher self.

Take a look at this:

  • A Brand is the emotional and conceptual core guiding creativity.
    • If your Life’s Work is about healing, empowerment, creativity, or education, you can embody it through messaging, visuals, and offerings.
  • A Website is the digital portal where your Life’s Work is presented and made accessible to everyone.
    • Rather than looking at it as a mere portfolio or sales page, it helps to think of it as an experience that immerses visitors in your vision.
  • Digital Products allow you to package knowledge, skills, and creativity in a way that provides lasting impact while also generating income. They can be shaped as natural extensions of your Life’s Work.

A Switcheroo

It takes real effort to embody this way of doing business. There are no quick schemes. Time, energy, attention and intention—these are the crucial ingredients required.

This is why I like to talk not just about business-y stuff, but also about the necessary shifts in order to step forward into this reality. The way everything is connected, even when I put myself at risk of going crazy.

The confusion, the messiness, the chaos. The clarity, the easiness. It’s all part of the game.

"Trust me, man!"

What reminders do you like to repeat to yourself when lost in the weeds?

Here’s a few I like repeat to myself whenever I feel stuck during unflowy days:

  1. Things take time.
  2. Be compassionate with yourself.
  3. You are already there.

As usual, my inbox is open.

With love,

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